Start Up
Scale Up
Reaching For The Skies
And why not. WE (women entrepreneurs) have achieved a lot, but there’s a world out there waiting to be conquered.
With change happening at the speed of thought, opportunities are opening up around you. And women catch on to them fast, if not faster 😊.
Our vision is to lend a hand, help you with the heavy lifting, support your mission and help achieve your goals. Sky is the limit. So how do you reach there?
Industry Focus
Health & Wellness
A focus area where women are guardians of family health, extending to the community. Not to forget self-care and well-being.
From nutraceuticals to natural formulations for skincare, from biosimilars to low-cost medical devices, scope for research and innovation is immense. After all the subcontinent is home to about a quarter of the world population.
And along with leveraging traditional practices like Ayurveda and Yoga, that cater to both physical well-being and mental health, we have the tech talent to build cutting edge solutions for the sector using AI. What next?
Education & Training
Women have a dominant presence in delivering content in the classroom. And we have also managed to bridge the digital divide in recent times.
This opens up a virtual door to connecting with children, youth and homemakers across a vast expanse using vernaculars like Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Telegu, Tamil and Urdu, which are among the top-20 languages in the world.
While attracting large investments, EdTech has been going through a rough patch recently. But the market remains underserved and the focus on women, who need a boost both in terms of knowledge and skills, is lacking. Can we take up the challenge?
Food & Beverages
A strength area for women with their knowledge of ingredients and recipes, and their understanding of consumer tastes and preferences.
With the strong need to build sustainable food chains, the old order has to make way for the new. And WE (women entrepreneurs) should be at the forefront of change.
There are already women-led enterprises along the value chain, so there is scope for collaboration. There are also opportunities to build entirely new value chains with innovative ideas and processes. Would you like to explore?
Sustainable Fashion
When the target market comprises women primarily, it requires women ambassadors to convert them from fast fashion, both locally and globally.
Here again local processes and traditional arts can teach us a thing or two about frugal manufacturing and sustainable products. A spin-off could be job creation for women and promotion of local artisans, thus helping to bridge the gender divide.
Export opportunities are unique to this sector, with established reputation in global markets and available incentives for start-ups locally. So what’s stopping you?
Entertainment Sector
The digital economy has shown the way. Women are bringing their perspective on to the table. Many more are needed.
While not an area where women call the shots, participation of women as industry workers have been taken for granted. The tables need to be turned since no doubt it’s one of the most lucrative sectors, here and worldwide.
There is also a crying need to break the dominance of the boys clubs, bring about gender parity and stand up for family values. Support is growing, investments should follow, are you game for it?

At start up you would need an Innovation Boost- idea generation, concept testing, target market feedback, iterative design and market optimisation. MVP in our glossary is not about minimising but maximising… the value proposition!
Scaling up involves establishing a strong Customer Connect- visibility through efficient use of digital and below-the-line communication, keeping up with point-of-sales operations within the catchment areas, expanding mindshare and market share, steadily and profitably. Focus on the customer life cycle for building a stable business, investor life cycle is much, much shorter!
Now comes the difficult part, sustaining. Market Leadership, even in your chosen niche, customer segment or geography, will require that proverbial heavy lifting- building and sustaining a winning team, efficient supply chain, managing cashflows, navigating the regulatory environment etc. Our training modules help you internalise knowledge and skills that keep you ahead, an agile and successful leader. Hands-on and humane, balancing profit with purpose, keeping all stakeholders happy!